This post is divided into two parts, feel free to share!
1. Finding what you like - Keywords guide
2. Shipping - Using Taobao SEA
Before proceeding with the tutorial,
create an account on Taobao first.
Part One: Finding what you like
Before you proceed with the search, THINK of what you want to buy first. It's kinda difficult to browse Taobao without having what you wanna buy in mind because there's just too many things on the site. After thinking, search for the item that you are looking for.
Basically searching items on Taobao is just a combination of
keywords. So to help everyone with lousy chinese, here's a number of keywords with their translations. Just copy and paste all the keywords into the search bar to find what you want!
Tip: Put in "韩版" for everything you buy to get something more trendy and not cheenaish.
The search terms are classified as follows:
(i) General
(ii) Styles
(iii) Materials
(iv) Tops
(v) Bottoms
(vi) Shoes
Good luck!
(i) General
百搭 - hundred combinations (basically means match with everything)
显瘦 - slimming effect
大码 - plus size / bigger size
女装 - female
男装 - male
加厚 - thicker
加薄 - thinner
拉链 - zip
(ii) Styles (in alphabetical order)
字母 - alphabets
棒球 - baseball
花色 - colorful
动漫 - cartoon
休闲 - casual
格子 - checkered
舞 - dance
气质 - elegance
刺绣 - embroidered
欧美 - european
淑女 - feminine
翠花 - floral
韩版 - korean
军 - military
斑点/波点 - polkadotted
印花 - printed
复古 - retro / vintage
性感 - sexy
运动 - sports
街头 - street
学生/学院风 - student / varsity
工装 - work
(iii) Materials
棉 - cotton
雪纺 - chiffon
蕾丝 - lace
针织衫 - knit
牛仔 - denim
帆布 - canvas
加绒 - velvet
(iv)Tops / Dresses
上衣 - top
连衣裙/ 连身裙 - dress
衬衫 - shirts
T恤 - T-shirts
背心 - tank tops / spag tops
毛衣 - sweater / knitted wear
外套 - jacket
开衫 - cardigan
外衣 - outwear
露脐 - cropped
Sleeve lengths:
长袖 - long
短袖 - short
无袖 - sleeveless
五分袖 - half (replace the 五 with other numbers for varying lengths)
蝙蝠袖 - bat
灯笼袖 - lantern
宽松 - loose fitting
紧身 - tight fitting
修身 - fitting
长版 - long (in terms of length)
中版 - medium length
两件套 - two piece type
吊带 - strap
(v) Bottoms
裤子 - bottoms
短裤 - shorts
长裤 - pants
裙子 - skirt
西装裤 - dress pants
打底裤 - leggings
哈伦 - harlem
直筒 - straight cut
铅笔 - pencil
职业 - work
小脚 - tapered
喇叭 - trumpet / bell-bottomed
宽松 - loose fitting
紧身 - tight fitting
修身 - fitting
(vi) Shoes
凉鞋 - sandals
包鞋 - covered shoes
靴子 - boots
运动鞋 - sports shoes
拖鞋 - slippers
婚鞋 - flats (I think)
扣带 - buckle
蝴蝶结 - ribbon
露趾 - shows toes
鱼嘴 - open-toed
尖头 - pointed
圆头 - curved?
加绒 - velvet
Heel types:
(check for heel height under information)
无跟 - no heel
短跟 - short (less than 3 cm)
中跟 - medium (3-5 cm)
高跟 - high (6-8 cm)
粗跟 - thick
方跟 - square
细跟 - thin
松糕厚底 - platform
增高 - added height
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